1. If I were describing a blindman the color "red" I will tell him/her that red is the color that you feel when you're in love; it's the color that has passion and  all the feeling towards the loved one; red it the color of joy when you and your loved one are enjoying every second you are with your half an orange. red is those emotions when you are anxious to go back and be with your loved one. red is everything that makes you feel joy and love.
2.competition is good to a certain extent because it forces you to test your abilities and if you fail  you take the feedback from the event and improve the mistake and you give it all you got to outstand the competitor untill you overcome him. It is healthy but it is sometimes unhealthy because sometimes you become obssesed with overcoming the competitor that it physically distroys you . I take it from my swimming perpective in competitions because you realize what you need to improve and then you try to go faster and stronger on every stroke you make on the swimming pool.
3.Yes our Theory Of Knowledge class on  our school. This class has changed the basic way to see and agree or disagree with ideas, this class forces you to examine and analyze the idea and to brake it down to the very roots to and the you agree or disagree plus this class is also good because it also teaches you how to support your theory and win with the idea.
4. If I were to go back in time and be someone in history I will be Andrew Jackson because he was the the first and only president to eliminate the United States Debt. I know he was the Hitler of the Native Americans but that would be the only thing I will alternate in history and leave the indians alone  and be friendly with them but that would be it.
5. What I would do with 1 million dollars would be to eliminate hunger and provide a roof in the poor suburs in the needy countries and at least get some smiles and roofs on the poor It will prove the three meals a day with protectin from the U.S. Army just in case of any attack from the greedy people who want to have everything.
6. I have tried to change the effect of the local issue of the CPHS incidents be proving the public wrong that the whole school is causing this and by  evoking the current achievements that the school receives in order to change the perception of CPHS and I stand up and go visit middle schools to tell them the positive aspects of Castle Park High School.
7. I believe what I would show to the primitive culture it would be a bicycle. Because I would be more than glad to show them how easy is to move distances while this will prevent green house effects later in the future it will make their daily life transportation easier and it would completely eliminate long walks to get to someplace while you got wheels and if they decide to make bike dollies to move material I will support them. (And Ill be in the history books)
8. "You have to stop looking on the outside and you have to start looking through the shell" This quote that I made relates to me by saying what  I have experienced and sometimes tell people to do. For example if you see someone who looks like he/she is a rebel and doesn't want to follow the rules but you see their test scores and academics you find the true meaning of what he/she is. It also related top me my the way I have learned through the course of my experince.
9. If I had the authority to commemorate someone it would be chespirito since he has made children and adults laugh and he is amiable with the general public and he has a sense of humor but it's clean humor. what the celebration would look like it would be an all-day movie/show festival in a local park and television that will be to commemorate the life of Chespirito and to consider the family time that he created when his show was on the air.
10. One of the best advise I received was to let the time do its job and be patient because everything gets solved if you let time do the work eventhough there might be time when the time rushes it will always pay off.